Termoelektro-Mont d.o.o. - Podgorica deals with construction, maintenance, repairs and revitalization of energetic and industrial objects and installations. It is one of the first firms in Montenegro which has official license for performing those works, approved by the authorized ministry.
This firm is recognizable in Montenegro for the following works:
- construction, maintenance, repairs and reconstruction of Steam Power Stations;
- construction, maintenance and repairs of boilers for production of technological steam;
- assembling and repairs of warm watered boilers;
- construction and reconstruction of tanks for storage of liquid fuels;
- construction of pipelines for flow of different fluids (water, steam, oil derivatives, technical gases);
- assembling of process equipment;
- lifting of heavy cargo;
- assembling of industrial hall;
- assembling and maintenance of vessels under pressure;
- welding;
- thermo isolation (warm and cold) of machine installations;
- anti-corrosive protection;